advice | What are the different hockey stick curves?
Before a player identifies the types of curve he prefers it is important to know the terms related to the stick blade. The terms used for stick blades are similar to the terms used for the human foot. The heel of the blade is where the shaft meets the blade, the middle part is the mid-curve (or arch), and the end of the blade is the toe.
Curves are important and influence a player's stick handling and shooting abilities. Generally speaking, there are 3 types of curves:
- Heel Curve The curve and angle of the blade are most significant in the heel area. Sometimes a heel curve looks like a bigger version of a golf club wedge. The tips of a heel curve blade are usually squared off at the corners.
- Mid-Curve The entire curve is round and evenly balanced from heel to toe. Mid curves are usually rounded off at the tips of the blade.
- Toe Curve The curve is round at the toe of the blade. It is the perfect place to cradle the puck. Toe curves are usually rounded of at the tips of the blade.
Check out this link for an illustration of all types of curves. P91A Stall is a heel curve, P106 Gagne is a mid-curve, and P12 Iginla at the bottom of the page is a toe curve.